A Big Thanks and an Easy Way to Give.

The holidays are behind us, and as we start a New Year, we would like to thank the community for supporting us through the holiday season.  We had such a great response from churches, clubs, businesses, and individuals to fill our shelves and feed the hungry in our community.   Unfortunately, as we all pack away the decorations and get back to a more normal routine, for some the hunger is a part of normal life.  We have friends and neighbors in our community that need our help from time to time throughout the year.  Here at River Bend, we are dedicating our time and resources to keep the shelves stocked.  Would you help us?  We have a simple online way to donate located on the right hand sidebar.  No stamps, checks, or trips to the post office. You don’t even have to have a Paypal account.  All major credit/debit cards are accepted.  You can even set up a reoccurring donation, if you wish.  No amount is too small to help.  We are truly grateful and would like to thank you in advance for all your generosity.